These days hmm are quite ambigious, in an unknown situation actually.
I came work one day where they told me ( the manager and my colleagues ) we will have a celebration , so I said Great! Then there are great news!!
And they actually ordered two cakes and invited the whole program I am working in , so I said to myself what are these great news , are we gonna get all promotion all or what ?
Then the manager had a meeting with us where he told me that for some reasons the division me and my colleagues we are working in has to close , but not the whole program , and not because of the bad performance but because of some conflicts that happened with the top management.
Anyways, They told us that they will try to reallocate the staff and the resources to other divisions if the activities can marge with other divisions !!! I really don't know fr what he was ce;ebrating , then I knew he miunderstood the message where he invited everyone and then he knew the fact where he can't go back from his invitation
Well , I have some hope that this would be sorted out as they really want to , but what is weird that I was fine and I had hopes that this will be sorted out in a way that God who makes it up for us.
I had some offers in the past few months and I declined because I like my work and Because I am very emotional, I get attached to the place and the people that I can;t rethink of other place at least in the mean time.
So hopefully these offers came early and not in the time where i knew the division is closing for some good reasons ISA.
What is weird that we dont know still our situation , the uncertainity is not agood feeling , shall I start looking for other jobs or shall I wait ? May be it will be sorted out , as I said I am emotionally attached by the place now.
If it is gonna be over, well I would like to know to make serious steps , and if not well I hope to know so as to relax, anyways the uncertainity itself is not nice.
It is true that nothing can be taken for granted in our lives , there was no problem in the day before and just the day after , they told me about work
Hope it turns to best ISA