enough analysis!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

We still need more efforts

The more we pas by charity houses and you get involved to see how many needy people who need food, or shelter or education or a medical treatment, what can i say " ElhamdAllah elazy 3fana mema ebtalah khatheeran men 3bedah ".

Even more what happens all over the world from disasters who need all our help , either through paying or donations, or even by doing voluntary work.

I was happy to see and feel the sense of intimacy for all the people that we may feel by them , and for those who are in Pakistan , after the earthquake that occured there lately.

But what after that ? sometimes I see donations are more than ever and the tables serving food are almost in every street and the families are taking bags of food usually in Ramadan . But what after ramadan ?

Would we stop donating ? would we stop praying for the needy people ? Even if we did , may be not with the same strong will that we had before.

But I realize that people may need efforts after ramadan because there are no tables serving food for ever needy person passing by the street.
I wish if there can be a sustainable project all over the year.

But let us say simply , we can just put for ourselves a minimum by which we can do every month , adopting a case or two where we can give them what we can periodically or monthly , not a must in terms of money but we have as well . There could be extra clothes , shelter , medicine that this case or two may need. To keep our eyes and our hearts and minds of others as well.


At 11/10/2005 1:01 PM, Blogger Me said...

"But what after ramadan ?"

Fe3lan ya Roora...putting a minimum to do throughout the year is the solution... and it slowly becomes part of your daily/weekly life.. keeps the good coming all around the year... el7amdulilah from what I've seen here in Alex ... this spirit is around...you're right maybe to a lesser extent than Ramadan but it's there... w Rabena y2addarna 3ala fe3l elkheir

At 11/13/2005 2:49 PM, Blogger LouLou said...


As much as possible when we want to give we should think of sadaqa jareeya - instead of one-time help. This is why I think it's better to give to NGO's which use your money to sustain projects that maintain people on a consistent basis.

This is one way to make sure we keep giving throughout the year not only in Ramadan.

At 11/13/2005 9:48 PM, Blogger Charisma said...


i think you're very eligibale to have an ongoing project like mawa'ed el ra7man all year, it seems you have many friends and you can always get new ppl to contribute, easier said then done i know, but you can always try.

god bless you, i simply love what you have to say and do, rabena yewafa'ek.

At 11/14/2005 12:18 PM, Blogger roora said...

Me: YOu know I am telling myself the same, I hope that I can do that , the point that we are full of energy and alert during Ramdan and then full sleep :) The least thing to be done maybe is to give the rest of food packed in my home to the needy people.

Loulou: I missed you too :) I know walahy the NGOs do things , aybe I am greedy to see sometimes the postive effect by myslef , when ever I donate away from people , I feel totally different then when I get involved in the charity itself , you thank God on what you have and you feel better for helping others.

Chari, I attract people in such things:) I actually say the thing and I find already many people invilved in activities or want to share with me , pray for me to be able to do what I can ISA . Thanks for the prayer , very sweet from you.

At 11/15/2005 10:27 AM, Blogger Aisha said...

I agree


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