enough analysis!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Help out

I have had this discussion with my dentist, who was telling me that there are certain types of food that I should not eat as long as I have a high probability that my teeth would have caries. The discussion was about soft drinks and how difficult it is for me to stop these types of food, and then it moved to the boycotting issue, and then what is the effect of buying all my needs from imported products rather than local products, and how this might effect the economy and thus the rest of community.

Regarding the economy and people (business makers) are trying to get the easy profit. Why don’t they instead of buying the franchisee right, opt for trying to do something original on their own,?

Why don’t they try to have their own stuff and improve it, that might improve the economy in the long run? We don’t have the intention to create something of our own!

Weird enough, even the Burger restaurants , coffee shops, scarves , so many are imported , amazing I never thought about most of my scarves , are made from different countries , mainly China.

We buy automatically the cheaper thing (Chinese for ex.) without thinking that this will consequently effect the value of the Pound and how it will go down and the prices will go higher. We think about it on a very personal level. “I” want to pay less.

We can instead buy some local products, especially that the quality of some local stuff are improved, such as TV sets and VCRs , even if not top quality, or a bit more expensive , but the sacrifice might worth the benefit in the long run. It would encourage manufacturers, after all they need to cover their costs.

so why don’t most of the people go on buying the local stuff even if they are not as luxurious as imported ones for the sake of improving the economy.

He told me you may not feel it harmful for you in the mean time, but some others in the rest of community may do. Even if the local products are little more expensive, but this extra expense you may not feel, but in the long run, if large number of people favor to buy local products even if not as luxurious as the imported ones, this will lead to a better economy in the long run and the value of currency will improve and the rest of community will feel better in the way we live.

I had an idea before but was not done perfectly because it was done on the spur of the moment and the market plan was not done perfectly.

My idea was to sell some of the scarves (produced here in Egypt ) to any foreign country who have Muslims but don’t have much excess to scarves and even if they do, they are very over priced if compared to the prices in Egypt because of the currency value.

I tried with my friend and with one of my acquaintances in one of the foreign countries , but unfortunately it did not go as we expected because we did not study the market properly , but still I see that the idea is good and could be of benefit to some scarf industries in Egypt, shops . If it is done by many and in a larger scale , it can have a good effect, also it definitely needs proper planning and proper studying of the market in the country to know their needs and thus provide it to them

Just brain storming here, wonder if anyone has other ideas.


At 8/23/2005 2:38 AM, Blogger doshar said...

good idea roora, yeah there are things that won't hurt us if bought on a local scale, so why not.

we have been such a consumer society for so long, maybe it is time to be more productive

At 8/23/2005 5:02 AM, Blogger Just Jane said...

Slightly off topic here, Roora, but I also was a soda junkie. I loved colas and my teeth were hurting because of it. Finally I managed to stop drinking it so often--now I have one or two a week at most--and without even trying I lost five pounds in a month. Better teeth are not the only benefit of restricting "junk food." Your scarf idea is a good one. I hope you find a way to make it workable.

At 8/23/2005 6:54 AM, Blogger roora said...

thanks jane , i hope that this would work , if i will loose weight also that would be even greater!!

At 8/25/2005 10:24 AM, Blogger Me said...

you're right ya roora... we should try and back up the local market here in Egypt...my brother tries to do that and he buys whatever he can "egyptian made"...I mean it's alwyas on his mind when he comes to buy anything... still don't have any ideas though :-(

At 8/25/2005 3:06 PM, Blogger roora said...

yes ya Me , I remember when Goldstar started producing , I liked very much its advertisements and their slogons, which were aiming to encourage the local production

Maybe your brother is my dentist :)

At 8/27/2005 6:47 AM, Blogger Me said...

LOL !!! yeah maybe he is trying that profession nowadays... after all what's the difference between an engineer and a dentist ?!?! LOL :-D


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